Virginia Wordsworth
Murphy & Moore Publishing
Education - Education
$ 146
The practice of teaching and learning mathematics, and the associated scholarly research in this field is termed as mathematics education. Affect is a research topic in the field of mathematics education, which focuses on the role of emotions in mathematical thinking and problem solving. Affect variables are viewed as learning outcomes. Research in affect in mathematics education is focused on affect variables and other elements in affective domains, namely, attitudes, engagement, anxiety, beliefs, identity, etc. Integral calculus, graph theory, exponential-logarithmic functions, probability, statistics, differential equations, trigonometry and geometry are a few significant concepts of mathematics education. This book discusses the fundamentals as well as modern approaches of affect and mathematics education. It is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide in-depth knowledge about the theory and practice of this field. Researchers and students in this field will be assisted by this book.