Iris Moore
Murphy & Moore Publishing
Education - E-Learning, Knowledge Management and Education Research
$ 157
The acquisition of values, morals, skills, beliefs, and knowledge as well as the facilitation of learning occurs through education. Formal education typically involves classroom learning and can be classified as primary, secondary, tertiary, special and vocational education. Beyond these, there are other forms of learning, such as indigenous education, self-directed learning, alternative education, etc. There has been a shift from subject-focused curricula to phenomenon-based learning. Educational interventions specific to non-traditional students are also implemented in learning. The aim of this book is to present researches that have transformed education and aided its advancement. From theories to research to practical applications, case studies related to all contemporary topics of relevance to this field have been included herein. A number of latest researches have been included in this book to keep the readers up-to-date with the global concepts in education.