Books /Dietary Patterns and Health: A Nutrition Science Approach


Dietary Patterns and Health: A Nutrition Science Approach




Rebecca Matthews



Publication Year


Category :

Food Science, Health and Nutrition - Nutrition


$ 162.99


The science of interpreting the relationship of nutrients of food with growth, reproduction, health, maintenance and disease of an organism is known as nutrition. The field also studies the processes of assimilation, excretion, biosynthesis, ingestion and catabolism. The total amount of nutrients that a person or an organism takes in is known as diet. It is taken to enhance and maintain optimal level of health. A healthy diet pattern requires intake of vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the right amount. Nutrition science aims to improve the quality of life, longevity and health of an individual. It also focuses on reducing risks of chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer and multiple cardiovascular diseases. This book studies, analyses and upholds the pillars of nutrition science and its utmost significance in modern times. Also included herein is the detailed explanation of various concepts and applications related to this discipline. Those in search of information to further their knowledge will be greatly assisted by this book.