Books /The Basics of Geomorphology


The Basics of Geomorphology




Greg Powell



Publication Year


Category :

Geography, Geology and Earth Science - Geology and Geosciences


$ 156.99


The scientific study aimed at understanding the origin and evolution of various landforms present on Earth is known as geomorphology. It includes the study of topographic and bathymetric features of the landforms. Climatic geomorphology focuses on climate's role in shaping the landforms and related processes. Biogeomorphology is an interdisciplinary field which studies the interactions between development of landforms and organisms. The study that focuses on interaction and relation of water and hydrologic processes with landforms is called hydrogeomorphology. There are diverse processes related to geomorphology. These include aeolian, biological, fluvial, glacial, hillslope, igneous, marine and tectonic processes. This book is a valuable compilation of topics, ranging from the basic to the most complex theories and principles in the field of geomorphology. Such selected concepts that redefine this field have been presented in it. For all those who are interested in geomorphology, this book can prove to be an essential guide.