Books /Aerospace Engineering: Technology and Applications


Aerospace Engineering: Technology and Applications




Natalie Spagner



Publication Year


Category :

Mechanical Engineering - Aerospace Engineering


$ 154


Aerospace engineering is a primarily sub-discipline of engineering which is concerned with the development of spacecrafts and aircraft. The major areas of focus within this domain are structural load applied upon flight vehicle components and the impact of atmospheric pressure and temperature on flight vehicles. Aerospace engineering draws its concepts from varied technological disciplines such as avionics, structural analysis, aerodynamics, materials science, propulsion, etc. It is divided into two branches – aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering. Aeronautical engineering is concerned with the design and manufacturing of machines which are capable of taking flight. It also delves into the techniques of operation of such machines within the atmosphere. Astronautical engineering refers to the study of the theory and techniques of traveling outside the Earth's atmosphere. This book contains some path-breaking studies in the field of aerospace engineering. It elucidates new techniques and their applications in a multidisciplinary manner. Scientists and students actively engaged in this field will find this book full of crucial and unexplored concepts.