Books /Hearing Loss: Causes, Prevention and Treatment


Hearing Loss: Causes, Prevention and Treatment




Branson Scott



Publication Year


Category :

Medical Science - Otolaryngology


$ 162


Hearing loss refers to the loss of hearing in one or both ears. It is broadly categorized into three categories, namely, sensorineural, conductive and a mixture of the two. Sensorineural hearing loss is connected to the inner ear while conductive hearing loss involves the outer or middle ear. Major causes of hearing loss are infections in the ear, excessive buildup of earwax, injury to the inner ear, and rupture in the eardrum. Hearing loss can be prevented by following steps such as regularly getting the hearing tested if one works in a high risk environment, protecting the ears from damaging noise, and avoiding risks from recreational activities which can affect the hearing. This book includes some of the vital pieces of work being conducted across the world, on various topics related to the loss of hearing and its causes. It also elucidates new techniques on its prevention and management. The extensive content of this book provides the readers with a thorough understanding of the subject.