Books /Constitutionalism and Democratic Governance: A Global Overview


Constitutionalism and Democratic Governance: A Global Overview




Noah Dawson



Publication Year


Category :

Political Science - Political Science


$ 153.95


Constitutionalism is a doctrine that states a government's authority is determined by a body of laws or the constitution. It limits the power of the government and aims to prevent arbitrary governance. The two core features of constitutionalism are fundamental law and legitimacy of government, and civil rights and liberties. It describes and prescribes both the limits and source of government power derived from fundamental law. Constitutionalism defines the power structure of the society and also seeks protection of the interests of citizens, civil rights, and civil liberties, especially for the social minorities. Strong democratic governance ensures transparency and accountability in both the public and private sectors. An open, participatory governance process responds to citizen and business needs leading to better and fairer government policies. This book unravels the recent studies on constitutionalism and democratic governance. It picks up individual topics and explains their need and contribution in the context of a growing economy. This book will provide comprehensive knowledge to the readers.