Stephen Brooke
Murphy & Moore Publishing
Chemistry - Materials Science and Engineering
$ 160.95
The allotropic form of carbon which is one carbon atom thick is known as graphene. Atoms in a graphene layer are arranged in a hexagonal lattice structure. It is a zero gap semiconductor whose conduction and valence bands meet at the Dirac points. The propagation of electron waves in graphene takes place within a single atom layer, making it sensitive to the proximity of superconductors and ferromagnetics. It also exhibits the quantum Hall effect. The Van Der Waals forces in graphene follow an inverse cubic, asymptomatic power law. It is opaque in nature and is capable of absorbing light of all visible wavelengths. The various studies that are constantly contributing towards advancing technologies and evolution of this field are examined in detail. The ever growing need of advanced technology is the reason that has fueled the research in the field of graphene physics in recent times. A number of latest researches have been included in this book to keep the readers up-to-date with the global concepts in this area of study.