Books /Materials Recycling Handbook


Materials Recycling Handbook




Eden Sparks



Publication Year


Category :

Chemistry - Materials Science and Engineering


$ 152


The process of conversion of waste materials into new ones is known as recycling. Materials recycling are used to reduce the usage of fresh raw materials and lower greenhouse gas emissions. It is considered an alternative to conventional disposal of waste. It is an important component in modern waste reduction. It is used to recycle a variety of materials such as metal, plastic, cardboard, batteries, electronics and paper. Depending upon the material, different techniques are used for its recycling. The field is mainly helpful in producing a fresh supply of the same material that is recycled. Materials recycling is an upcoming field of science that has undergone rapid development over the past few decades. The book unfolds the innovative aspects of materials recycling which will be crucial for the understanding of the subject matter. It aims to serve as a resource guide for students and experts alike and contribute to the growth of the discipline.