
Results 201 - 210 of 578
Image Date Title

Optoelectronics: Principles and Practices

Author : Zander Luther

Subject : Optics

ISBN :9781639874149

Optoelectronics, a subfield of photonics, is the study and application of electronic equipment and systems that produce, detect and control light. In addition to visible light, it also includes the study

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Alternative Energy: Systems and Applications

Author : David McCartney

Subject : Alternative Energy

ISBN :9781639870394

The energy resources other than fossil fuels and traditional sources of energy are known as alternative sources of energy. This energy is naturally replenished on a human timescale. Unlike fossil fuels,

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Alternative Fuels: Integration Pathways for Renewable Energy

Author : Leah Thompson

Subject : Alternative Energy

ISBN :9781639870400

Fuels which are derived from sources other than petroleum are termed as alternative fuels. Some of their common examples are biodiesel, bioethanol, propane, hydrogen, electricity and non-fossil natural

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Biomass: Methods for Volume Calculation and Energy Valorization

Author : Nina Goldman

Subject : Biofuels

ISBN :9781639870769

Any plant or animal material used by humans as fuel is referred to as biomass. Wood is an example of biomass which is used in the form of pellets and briquettes. Biomass feedstock are the substances used

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Understanding Biomass Energy

Author : Mark Cook

Subject : Biofuels

ISBN :9781639875467

Any plant or animal material that can be used to produce energy in the form of electricity or heat is called biomass. These are organic materials which store chemical energy sourced from the sun. Wood

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Climate Change: Impacts and Concerns

Author : Daisy Mathews

Subject : Climate and Weather

ISBN :9781639871094

The long term average weather of a place is termed as climate. The change in weather patterns of a place which may last for more than a few decades is termed as climate change. Some major factors responsible

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Global Warming: Consequences and Solutions

Author : Declan Hernandez

Subject : Climate and Weather

ISBN :9781639872626

The rise in the aggregate temperature of the climate system of the earth is known as global warming. It primarily focuses on the study of human-caused increase in the temperature of the surface globally.

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Global Warming: From Science to Practice

Author : Declan Hernandez

Subject : Climate and Weather

ISBN :9781639872633

The phenomenon of rise in average temperature of Earth’s climate is known as global warming. Anthropogenic activities such as deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, use of aerosols, etc. are the driving

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Advances in Aquatic Ecology

Author : Simon Oakenfold

Subject : Ecology and Ecosystems

ISBN :9781639870158

The scientific study of the interactions of organisms with each other and with their environment is referred to as ecology. It also includes the relationships between individuals of the same species, between

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Author : Avery Nash

Subject : Ecology and Ecosystems

ISBN :9781639871766

The branch of biology which deals with the spatial and temporal patterns of the distribution of organisms on earth is termed as ecology. It also focuses on the interaction between various organisms and

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Results 201 - 210 of 578