
Results 371 - 380 of 578
Image Date Title

Principles of Nanotechnology

Author : Timothy Sawyer

Subject : Nanotechnology

ISBN :9781639874583

The interdisciplinary field which focuses on the manipulation and manufacturing of materials and devices on atomic, molecular and supramolecular scale, is called nanotechnology. Nanomaterials are the materials

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Practical Railway Engineering

Author : Marshall Roy

Subject : Railway Engineering

ISBN :9781639874460

Railway engineering is a multidisciplinary field in transportation engineering. It is concerned with the design, construction and operation of all types of rail transport systems. Railway engineering comprises

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Mechatronics: Engineering Fundamentals

Author : Allie Weaver

Subject : Robotics

ISBN :9781639873586

Mechatronics also known as mechatronic engineering is a field of engineering that deals with various types of mechanical and electrical systems. It is a multidisciplinary field and includes various other

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Modern Robotics

Author : Lauren Barrett

Subject : Robotics

ISBN :9781639873739

Robotics is a branch of engineering which is concerned with the conception, design, construction and operation of robots. It is an interdisciplinary field overlapping with artificial intelligence, electronics,

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Modern Control Engineering

Author : Anabelle Holmes

Subject : Systems and Control Engineering

ISBN :9781639873692

Control engineering is a field of engineering which applies automation to the design of systems with desirable behaviors in controlled settings. By using sensors and detectors, the output performance of

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System Reliability: Methods, Models and Applications

Author : Anne Woolf

Subject : Systems and Control Engineering

ISBN :9781639875160

Reliability is defined as the ability of a system or component to function under specified settings for a stated period of time. It often plays a crucial role in the cost-effectiveness of a system. The

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Active and Healthy Aging: Critical Approaches to Disease Management

Author : Freya Phillips

Subject : Ageing

ISBN :9781639870080

Aging refers to the process of becoming older that is associated with changes in the physiological, biological, environmental, psychological and social processes. It increases the risk of diseases in human

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Aging: Clinical Perspectives on Spatial Memory and Emotional Perception

Author : Robyn Parker

Subject : Ageing

ISBN :9781639870301

The gradual process due to which people become older is termed as aging. It is associated with a plethora of biological, psychological, physiological, environmental and behavioral changes. Emotions are

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Older Adults: Physical, Mental and Social Aspects of Health and Well-being

Author : Freya Phillips

Subject : Ageing

ISBN :9781639874071

A state of social, mental and physical well-being where infirmity and disease are absent is referred to as health. It can be promoted by encouraging various healthful activities such as physical exercise

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Clinical Bacteriology

Author : Robert Jones

Subject : Bacteriology

ISBN :9781639871117

The specialty of biology that deals with the study of bacteria and various aspects related to them such as their genetics, morphology, biochemistry and ecology is termed as bacteriology. It also involves

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Results 371 - 380 of 578