
Results 421 - 430 of 578
Image Date Title

Chagas Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment

Author : Malcolm Clark

Subject : Infectious Diseases

ISBN :9781639871001

Chagas disease is a tropical disease which is caused by a parasite known as Trypanosoma cruzi. The symptoms do not manifest themselves in the early stages of the disease. Severe cases of this disease can

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Influenza: Diagnosis, Prevention and Management

Author : Edwin Simpson

Subject : Infectious Diseases

ISBN :9781639873227

The infectious diseases caused by influenza viruses are termed as influenza. Symptoms of influenza generally begin after 1-4 days of exposure to the virus and last for 2-8 days. They include runny nose,

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Leishmaniasis: Pathogenesis and Management

Author : Jake Morrison

Subject : Infectious Diseases

ISBN :9781639873401

Leishmaniasis refers to a number of medical conditions which are caused by the Leishmania parasite. It is transferred to humans through sandflies belonging to the genus Phlebotomus. Leishmania is broadly

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Malaria: Diagnosis and Treatment

Author : Beckham Hill

Subject : Infectious Diseases

ISBN :9781639873487

Malariology is the scientific study of malaria and issues related to this disease. It also focuses on the biology of malarial parasites and the factors that affect their transmission to humans by anopheline

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Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Parasitic Infections

Author : Gregory Hamilton

Subject : Infectious Diseases

ISBN :9781639874491

Parasites are the organisms that live in a symbiotic relationship with other organisms. The organism on or inside which the parasite lives is known as the host. The size of a parasite can vary from microscopic

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Sepsis: Strategies for Management

Author : Pablo Kennedy

Subject : Infectious Diseases

ISBN :9781639874996

Sepsis is a condition that occurs when the body’s response to infection starts causing injury to its own organs and tissues. It may be life-threatening. The suppression of the immune system is the initial

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Toxoplasmosis: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide

Author : Lawson Williams

Subject : Infectious Diseases

ISBN :9781639875368

The disease caused by the Toxoplasma gondii parasite is termed as toxoplasmosis. A few of its symptoms are body aches, headache, fever and fatigue. Transmission of this parasite can occur through exposure

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Computational Modeling of the Human Body and Brain

Author : Marco White

Subject : Medical & Life Science

ISBN :9781639871247

Computational modeling is used to make models of the human body and brain for computerized analysis. It is used for various research purposes such as radio-frequency studies, neurology and cancer treatment.

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Platelets in Non-Thrombotic Disorders: Pathophysiology and Therapeutics

Author : Abram Ross

Subject : Medical & Life Science

ISBN :9781639874361

Platelet is a component of blood which is responsible for the initiation of a blood clot in reaction to bleeding occurring from a blood vessel injury. These are also known as thrombocytes because of their

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Epigenetics and Epigenomics in Health and Disease

Author : Kylan Russell

Subject : Medical Genetics

ISBN :9781639871971

Epigenetics is a branch of biology which deals with the study of heritable phenotype changes that are not associated with the alterations in the DNA sequence. It generally involves the alterations which

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Results 421 - 430 of 578