
Results 431 - 440 of 578
Image Date Title

New Insights into DNA Damage and Repair

Author : Albert Douglas

Subject : Medical Genetics

ISBN :9781639873920

DNA damage refers to an abnormal chemical structure in DNA. It hinders the proper working of the replication mechanism and causes alterations in the structure of the genetic material. The group of processes

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RNA Interference: Challenges and Therapeutic Opportunities

Author : Sam Kennedy

Subject : Medical Genetics

ISBN :9781639874958

RNA interference (RNAi) is a genetic regulatory mechanism that occurs in eukaryotic cells and regulates the activity of genes. Its main function is to suppress, silence or deactivate genes. RNAi can occur

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Molecular Virology: A Clinical Approach

Author : Orlando Johnston

Subject : Medical Microbiology

ISBN :9781639873760

The branch of enquiry which studies viruses at the molecular scale is called molecular virology. Viruses have a considerable level of biological diversity, and are able to parasitize and infect all kinds

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Advances in Motor Neuroprostheses

Author : Isaac Anderson

Subject : Neuroscience & Neurology

ISBN :9781639870202

Neuroprotheses are the devices that are used to replace lost nervous system functions. They provide stimulated hand and arm function and are considered an effective method for restoring function. The discipline

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Alzheimer's Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment

Author : Sophia Hall

Subject : Neuroscience & Neurology

ISBN :9781639870417

Alzheimer’s disease is a disorder of the brain which impedes thinking skills and damages memory. It is considered to be progressive and irreversible. Some of the major features of Alzheimer’s disease

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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Current Research

Author : Finn Cooper

Subject : Neuroscience & Neurology

ISBN :9781639870448

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a neurodegenerative and neuromuscular disease. It affects the motor neurons which control the voluntary muscles. Some of the symptoms of this disease are muscle twitches,

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Brain Disorders: Biological Mechanisms

Author : Jake Williams

Subject : Neuroscience & Neurology

ISBN :9781639870813

Brain disorders refer to the conditions which impair the normal functioning of the brain. These can range from trauma, tumors, infections and stroke. Trauma encompasses concussion and traumatic brain injury.

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Brain Function Augmentation: Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience

Author : Benjamin Green

Subject : Neuroscience & Neurology

ISBN :9781639870820

The central nervous system of the human body is made up of the brain and the spinal cord. The brain is responsible for receiving and processing the information from the sense organs, taking decisions accordingly

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Cognitive and Brain Plasticity: Current Research

Author : Ronnie Turner

Subject : Neuroscience & Neurology

ISBN :9781639871162

The adaptive changes in the patterns of cognition that are related to the brain activity are known as cognitive plasticity. Brain plasticity refers to the changes on a non-neuron level that can be stimulated

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Cognitive Functioning and Brain Plasticity

Author : Hudson Webb

Subject : Neuroscience & Neurology

ISBN :9781639871179

The ability of the brain to structurally and functionally alter itself is called brain plasticity. Plasticity, or the ability to change, is one of the most important aspects of neural development and regular

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Results 431 - 440 of 578