
Results 231 - 240 of 291
Image Date Title

Handbook of Pediatric and Neonatal Surgery

Author : Selena Hudson

Subject : Pediatrics

ISBN :9781639872930

Pediatric surgery is a subspecialty of surgery that involves the surgery of infants, fetuses, children, young adults and adolescents. A few of its subspecialties are fetal surgery and neonatal surgery.

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Autism Spectrum Disorders: Diagnosis and Therapies

Author : Irene Wright

Subject : Psychiatry

ISBN :9781639870653

Autism spectrum disorder consists of a group of developmental disabilities which present social and behavioral challenges. The different disorders which are a part of this group of disorders are Asperger’s

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Child and Adolescent Mental Health: Theory and Practice

Author : Lauren Davies

Subject : Psychiatry

ISBN :9781639871049

Childhood and adolescence are sensitive periods in a person’s life since it is during this time that they gain social-emotional and cognitive skills which have a profound impact on their mental health

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Psychotic Disorders: Conceptualization and Treatment

Author : Paul Walker

Subject : Psychiatry

ISBN :9781639874668

Psychotic disorders refer to a group of severe ailments which impact the mind. They can affect a person’s ability to think clearly, communicate effectively, make sound judgments and comprehend reality.

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Evaluation and Management of Adiposity

Author : Jamie Churchill

Subject : Public Health

ISBN :9781639872190

Adiposity refers to the state of being severely overweight. It is associated with a growing risk of diseases. Body mass index is generally used as a measure for adiposity. It is calculated by dividing

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Tuberculosis: A Clinical Guide

Author : Ralphie Clark

Subject : Pulmonology & Respiratory Diseases

ISBN :9781639875429

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that generally affects the lungs and is caused by bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. When the infection does not show any symptom, it is known as latent tuberculosis

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Cleft Lip and Palate: Diagnosis and Management

Author : Binnie Pattinson

Subject : Surgery

ISBN :9781639871087

The openings or splits in the upper lip or the roof of the mouth are known as cleft lip and cleft palate. These are defects which are present at birth. It is caused due to the tissues of the mouth and

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Organ Donation and Transplantation: Issues, Challenges and Clinical Perspectives

Author : Jude Harris

Subject : Surgery

ISBN :9781639874163

The process when a person donates an organ and allows it to be transplanted to another person legally, either by consent when the person is alive or by assent of a relative when the person is dead, is

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Stem Cell and Bone Marrow Transplantation

Author : Williams Douglas

Subject : Surgery

ISBN :9781639875078

Bone marrow transplantation involves introducing healthy blood-forming cells in order to supplant diseased or impaired bone marrow. It is also known as a stem cell transplant. It is used to treat numerous

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Dialysis: Principles and Practice

Author : Richard Hamilton

Subject : Urology

ISBN :9781639871605

Dialysis is a process of the removal of excess water, toxins and solutes from the blood in those people whose kidneys are not able to function naturally. It is also known as renal replacement therapy.

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Results 231 - 240 of 291