
Results 251 - 260 of 291
Image Date Title

Handbook of Accelerator Physics

Author : Elsa Jones

Subject : Particle Physics

ISBN :9781639872725

Particle accelerators are machines which propel charged particles at very high speeds using electromagnetic fields. The sub branch of applied physics which is concerned with the design, operation and construction

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Biophysics: Understanding Physics of Life Sciences and Medicine

Author : Zane Bradley

Subject : Physics

ISBN :9781639870783

The interdisciplinary field of science that uses methods and approaches of physics to the study of biological phenomena is known as biophysics. It is concerned with the study of physical quantities such

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Fundamentals of Astrophysics

Author : Mervin Williamson

Subject : Physics

ISBN :9781639872435

Astrophysics is a branch of science which utilizes the methods and principles of physics to study the astronomical objects and phenomena. It is a multidisciplinary field which incorporates concepts

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Nuclear Physics: From Fundamentals to Frontiers

Author : Leonel Ware

Subject : Physics

ISBN :9781639874026

Nuclear physics deals with the study of atomic nuclei and their constituents. It is a sub-field of physics and is also concerned with the study of many other forms of nuclear matter. It focuses on studying

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Foundations of Plasma Physics

Author : Eric Buchanan

Subject : Plasma Physics

ISBN :9781639872374

In physics, plasma is the fourth state of matter, the others being solid, gas and liquid. It is an electrically neutral medium of untied positive and negative particles. Plasma consists of gas of ions

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Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

Author : Kendrick Porter

Subject : Quantum Mechanics

ISBN :9781639872381

The theory of physics which delves into the physical properties of nature at an atomic and subatomic level is known as quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics provides the foundations for quantum physics.

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Constitutionalism and Democratic Governance: A Global Overview

Author : Noah Dawson

Subject : Political Science

ISBN :9781639871308

Constitutionalism is a doctrine that states a government's authority is determined by a body of laws or the constitution. It limits the power of the government and aims to prevent arbitrary governance.

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Culture, Migration and Welfare: A Study of Europe

Author : Logan Kelly

Subject : Political Science

ISBN :9781639871384

The culture of Europe is embedded in the art, architecture, film, different types of music, economics, literature, and philosophy that originated from the continent of Europe. The European Union has developed

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Currency Economics: Exchange Rate Policy

Author : Ronald McElroy

Subject : Political Science

ISBN :9781639871391

Currency is the portion of the national money supply consisting of banknotes and government-issued paper money and coins that can be used as a medium of exchange in the economy. Central banks can sell

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Global International Relations: Origins and Evolution

Author : Pearl Murphy

Subject : Political Science

ISBN :9781639872596

International relations deals with the relationships between political bodies and the wider world-systems created by their interactions. These entities include sovereign states, inter-governmental organizations,

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Results 251 - 260 of 291