
Results 111 - 120 of 295
Image Date Title

Forest Management and Planning

Author : Lester Jacob

Subject : Forestry

ISBN :9781639872367

The branch of chemistry concerned with the overall administration of forests is known as forest management. It includes economic, legal as well as social aspects. Scientific and technical aspects such

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The Practice of Silviculture: A Comprehensive Approach

Author : Alex Edwards

Subject : Forestry

ISBN :9781639875320

The science and art of growing and cultivating forest crops is referred to as silviculture. It involves controlling the establishment, growth, structure, and quality of forests, and management of forests

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Author : Xavier Parsons

Subject : Hydrology

ISBN :9781639871742

The study of interactions between water and ecological systems fall under the domain of ecohydrology. The interactions between water and ecological systems occur within the water bodies like lakes and

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Principles and Practices of Engineering Hydrology

Author : Stacy Keach

Subject : Hydrology

ISBN :9781639874521

Engineering hydrology is the applied science of water resources engineering. It is concerned with the study of the hydrological cycle like runoff, precipitation, transpiration, estimation of water resources,

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Handbook of Petroleum Science and Technology

Author : Natalie Mitchell

Subject : Petroleum Engineering

ISBN :9781639872947

Petroleum is a yellowish-black liquid which occurs naturally in the geological formations beneath the Earth's surface. It is formed when large quantities of dead organisms such as alga and zooplankton

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Air Quality: Assessment and Management

Author : Hunter Dawson

Subject : Pollution

ISBN :9781639870363

Air quality is the measure of how much polluted is the air presently. Absence of dilution of air pollutants or increase in the emission of air pollutants in the atmosphere can lead to deteriorated air

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Organic Pollutants: Analysis and Remediation

Author : Kaleb Lynch

Subject : Pollution

ISBN :9781639874187

Organic pollutants are the organic compounds that show resistance to environmental degradation through biological, chemical and photolytic processes. They may arise naturally like volcanoes and various

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Hydropower: An Introduction

Author : Stephen Adams

Subject : Renewable Energy

ISBN :9781639873197

Hydropower is a form of renewable energy, which is derived from falling or fast-running water. There are four types of hydropower, namely, pumped hydropower, storage hydropower, offshore hydropower and

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Renewable Energy: Technological Advancements

Author : Craig Zodikoff

Subject : Renewable Energy

ISBN :9781639874903

Energy which is obtained from natural resources such as sunlight, waves, tides, rain, biomass and geothermal heat is referred to as renewable energy. These resources are constantly replenished and are

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Sustainable Development: From Theories to Implementation

Author : Rosario Harrington

Subject : Sustainable Development

ISBN :9781639875115

Sustainable development can be referred to as the responsibility of the present generation to maintain, regenerate and improve the existing natural resources for use by future generations. It is also known

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Results 111 - 120 of 295