
Results 461 - 470 of 578
Image Date Title

Hearing Loss: Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Author : Branson Scott

Subject : Otolaryngology

ISBN :9781639872985

Hearing loss refers to the loss of hearing in one or both ears. It is broadly categorized into three categories, namely, sensorineural, conductive and a mixture of the two. Sensorineural hearing loss is

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Clinical Epileptology

Author : Nyla Shelton

Subject : Pediatrics

ISBN :9781639871124

Epileptology is a specialization under neurology which deals with the treatment of epilepsy. It is the study of epileptic seizures and seizure disorders, and anticonvulsants. Epilepsy is a group of neurological

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Handbook of Pediatric and Neonatal Surgery

Author : Selena Hudson

Subject : Pediatrics

ISBN :9781639872930

Pediatric surgery is a subspecialty of surgery that involves the surgery of infants, fetuses, children, young adults and adolescents. A few of its subspecialties are fetal surgery and neonatal surgery.

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Addiction: A Comprehensive Overview

Author : London Stevens

Subject : Psychiatry

ISBN :9781639870097

The disorder of the brain in which compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli is observed even when it has negative consequences is termed as addiction. A few examples of behavioral and drug addictions

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Autism Spectrum Disorders: Diagnosis and Therapies

Author : Irene Wright

Subject : Psychiatry

ISBN :9781639870653

Autism spectrum disorder consists of a group of developmental disabilities which present social and behavioral challenges. The different disorders which are a part of this group of disorders are Asperger’s

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Autism Spectrum Disorders: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment

Author : Harison Bailey

Subject : Psychiatry

ISBN :9781639870660

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) is a broad term used for a wide range of neurodevelopmental disorders. Individuals that have ASD display restricted and repetitive patterns of interests or behavior, and

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Child and Adolescent Mental Health: Theory and Practice

Author : Lauren Davies

Subject : Psychiatry

ISBN :9781639871049

Childhood and adolescence are sensitive periods in a person’s life since it is during this time that they gain social-emotional and cognitive skills which have a profound impact on their mental health

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Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Psychosis

Author : Olive Young

Subject : Psychiatry

ISBN :9781639874422

The psychiatric condition wherein a person who has witnessed or experienced an event which has caused mental trauma, and which leads to disturbing thoughts and feelings related to that event, is termed

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Psychotic Disorders: Conceptualization and Treatment

Author : Paul Walker

Subject : Psychiatry

ISBN :9781639874668

Psychotic disorders refer to a group of severe ailments which impact the mind. They can affect a person’s ability to think clearly, communicate effectively, make sound judgments and comprehend reality.

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Sleep, Circadian Rhythms and Metabolism

Author : Robert Bennett

Subject : Psychiatry

ISBN :9781639875009

The natural and internal process which maintains the sleep-wake cycle is termed as a circadian rhythm. It repeats every 24 hours. It is endogenous in nature and responds to the environment. Circadian rhythms

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Results 461 - 470 of 578